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Happy National Peanut Butter Day

Many of us have grown up eating flutternutter sandwiches (peanut butter and Fluff) or PB&J (peanut butter and jelly) and have fond memories of where we enjoyed them. For me, it was a good fluffernutter sandwich at Chelsea Pool in Long Branch, NJ. I had to beg for this sandwich since my Italian parents thought this was a terrible combination. It was so sweet but the protein in the peanut butter won them over.

Did you know archibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth. No really, this is a thing and I think it the best part! Then you have to guzzle cold milk to get it off. I guess the child in me never grew up and still enjoy a good fluffernutter sandwich only now I have it with a cup of coffee.

Here's another fun fact, women and children like creamy peanut butter and men prefer chunky. Who knew? My family has always preferred creamy and I only use chunky for baking.

Peanuts are not actually nuts at all, they are legumes, like beans, pea and lentils. They are encased in an outer skin and need to be harvested.

We've had two former presidents that were peanut farmers Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter. Peanut shells are used to make kitty litter, wallboard, fireplace logs, paper and animal feed, and are sometimes used as fuel for power plants. Peanuts are the power plant and a gift from Mother Nature.

Such fun facts about our friend the peanut! So take time today to make yourself a peanut butter sandwich or just have some with crackers.


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