No Eggs - No Problem, Do This Instead
If you're like me, always baking, it's very easy to run out of eggs. Let's be honest, with the price of eggs lately, I seriously thought about getting chickens but then there's that nasty bird flu.
I needed to find ways to satisfy the requirements of eggs in a recipe and not have it affect the quality of my baked goods.
Just for laughs, in 1950, a dozen eggs cost .60 cents versus the $9.99 for 18 eggs!! (average cost in NJ). Eggs were considered an "affordable protein" at one time. Today, I use them sparingly.
Here's what you can substitute for one egg:
* 3 tbsp chickpea liquid
* 1 tbsp ground flax seeds + 3 tbsp water
* 1/4 c applesauce
* 1 tbsp chia seeds + 3 tbsp water
* 2 tsp baking powder + 1 tsp oil + 2 tbsp water
* 1/4 cup mashed bananas
* 1/4 cup silken tofu
* 1/4 cup full-fat yogurt or buttermilk
The substitutes are great alternatives for vegan baking.
So the chickens can't hold us hostage and force us to use their precious eggs in our baking. Sorry chickens, no tears over the price of eggs from us. So thanks but no thanks, here's your hen-kerchief back!